Sunday, May 3, 2009

Try, Try Again Whole Foods and Other Natural Living Lifestyles:)

So we love healthy, clean living in the HamakerLove household, and we are constantly assessing our lifestyle choices, especially in the food area. We could be much healthier. We could make more sustainable choices. I am a total efficiency Nazi, and the more I learn about natural living(which in my definition means, using things in their natural state, or how God planned them to be used), is that God is REALLY smart, and His way is soooo much smarter than the "convenient" way most of the world is choosing to live. But most of the time we live as the world does, we FREQUENTLY frequent Pizza Hut and we throw away A TON of stuff that we totally could be recycling EASILY. And whole foods cooking, it takes forever right? Well, we have found lots of answers to that question and a lot of others, and that is what we want this blog to be used for. We want to share what we have learned and are learning about whole foods cooking, sustainable living, organic gardening, cloth diapering, etc. Mostly about how we are still on the journey from eating chimichangas and Pizza Hut on a regular basis to a more whole-foods-friendly and YUMMY diet!:) In this world of rising health concerns(from everything to obesity to HIGH high cancer rates) we feel it is sooo vital to try and improve our nutrition and personal immunity to illness and disease, especially for our children. These are the last days baby, and all those plagues they talk about in the scriptures are for real, and we need to prepare our bodies so we can be safe! We read A LOT in this household from all sorts of wonderful sources about nutrition and natural healthy living, and I will try to list the resources as I go(but I am horrible at that, so forgive me when I don't). If there is anything questionable please feel free to ask me for my sources of info, and I totally recommend asking the ultimate source(as I do CONSTANTLY on health issues in this world of crazy people theories) which is our loving Heavenly Father.

Just as a starter post, here are some things I might point out about this blog. On the side bar I put our ULTIMATE FAMILY GOALS and OUR WEEKLY GOALS. We do take herbal tea as a form of preventative medicine in this household. We do not drink any of the black, white, red or green teas as I have prayed about their good use and not felt good about them. I am training as a Master Herbalist through Dr.Christopher's School of Natural Healing and use herbs for medicine when needed (to the extent that I have been educated). We also take whole food vitamins to supplement our health, not to be confused with synthetic vitamins which are harder for the body to assimilate. At the bottom of this blog, from time to time, I would love to share some herbal tips I have learned and used and found helpful in my life. I will not post any herbal information that is not tested and true. :)

We hope that this blog is helpful and insightful, and useful to others. It can be such a hard journey, changing your lifestyle. We hope we can make it seem more worthwhile by reading our experiences of try, try, trying again (and again) and our slow but sure progress to a MUCH healthier and happier lifestyle.
Healthy Journeys!

ps.By the by, BJ or myself are going to try and post weekly to keep our goals on track.:) Please feel free to leave a comment or join the followers link on the sidebar so we know people are keeping us accountable!:)

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! I'm very interested in your experiences in cloth diapering. I'm trying it out myself and have hit a few humps that I would love advice about. If you could do a post on how you do it (with as much detail as possible--seriously!! :)), that would be very helpful to me. Thanks! I'm excited about this new blog and will be checking it out often! :)
